Encrypted Flag, 2019
To encrypt a message, number or any information, the once-readable data must somehow become unreadable, unintelligible non-sense. The message is plunged into chaos, through innumerable methods and algorithms of varying degree and complexity. The data is hidden away behind the veil of chaos our minds fail to comprehend. A basic form of this chaos incarnate is the security envelope and its multitude of patterns, the purpose of which is to create interference for the prying eyes of thieves seeking to illegally obtain our sensitive information from the slightest transparency. When held up to the light, no useful information can be obtained. No data, message or meaning can be discerned through the bulletproof, abstract shield of chaos. These encrypted flags represent that same primordial chaos, disruption, interference and obscurity. They take form not as banners that stand for something, but a reminder and a representation of a world intentionally obscured, designed to confuse and mystify, devoid of meaning. Their meaning, like life, is hidden amidst the disorder and perplexity, safely concealed by abstraction.